Neo4j documentation Getting started Get started with Neo4j Explore the capabilities of graph databases and start working with your data using Neo4j tools. Get started CTA cards Deployment options Choose from fully and self-managed local and cloud deployments. Run Neo4j on Docker or Kubernetes. Get a Neo4j instance Cypher Learn how to write Cypher®, Neo4j’s declarative query language. Query your data Neo4j Tools Use Neo4j’s tools to explore, visualize, manage, monitor, and import data to your graph. Discover the products Graph Data Science Run graph algorithms and machine learning models to analyze your data at scale. Get insights from data Create applications Discover the client libraries and APIs to develop applications with Neo4j and AuraDB. Start developing Connect data sources Learn how to use connectors and other tools to connect Neo4j with other data sources. Connect to Neo4j Tailored for you Keep exploring Developer Choose your deployment Learn Cypher Start querying Create applications Connect data sources Integrate GenAI functions Improve app performance Extend Neo4j Database Admin Manage your database Deploy and manage a cluster Database internals Manage users, roles, and privileges Monitor your database Backup and restore Upgrade and migration Data Scientist Analyze your data Set up your deployment Create data visualizations Use machine learning algorithms Set up a Python client Manage your graph Data Engineer Graph database concepts Model your data Connect data sources Import your dataset Monitor data changes Data modeling tools Tutorials & How-to guides Tutorials & How-to guides Embedding & Vector Indexes Tutorial Import data from a relational database into Neo4j Build a Cypher recommendation engine Set up and use a composite database Capture and track changes in real-time Apply centrality algorithms to your graph GraphAcademy courses GraphAcademy courses Introduction to Neo4j and graph databases Cypher query language fundamentals How to import data to Neo4j Neo4j and LLM fundamentals Vector indexes and unstructured data Introduction to Graph Data Science Other resources Join forums and discussions Community forum Discord Developer blogs, articles and books Developer blog Other resources